Chilling words. While
not always sinister, all too often we run across 'that' person flashing this
phrase to intimidate. Even more often,
s/he might be a really good attorney - but s/he might not have a clue when it comes to HOA (homeowner association)
matters. Most community volunteer Board
members wince when they discover a delinquent homeowner is an attorney. For us CAMs (community association managers),
it is a time of celebration.

An offer to call the State Bar works wonders in reigning in
the rowdy attitude. Just as medical
doctors specialize in various treatments, attorneys are specialists. While they all know the same basics, such as
contract law, the intricacies of HOA law can be just as foreign for both a
lawyer and a layperson. Knowing not only
how the courts have ruled, but also how these rulings are customarily being
applied, spells the difference between loss and success.

There is a silver lining.
Some of the more seasoned homeowners in the crowd spoke up and
challenged what was being said. This was
far more effective than if any of the other guest speakers had debated the
attorney. The same is true for any
community meeting you hold. An argument
between Board members, or between the Board and homeowners, only hardens
positions. Non-Board members arguing on
behalf of a Board position are far more effective in getting their neighbors to
reconsider a situation.
Sadly, our litigious society demands an ever-growing
population of attorneys. Just don't
assume that they know everything about the law.
They face the same challenges and insecurities as the rest of us. Attorneys are people too.
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