This morning an email came in from a homeowner in
an upscale neighborhood, upset that a candy wrapper was stuck to the asphalt
outside her home. The roadway had just
been seal-coated.
This afternoon on a drive to conduct a property
inspection, the manager was slowly inching his way through Atlanta's infamous
traffic. A man in an old Ford truck
pulled up on the grass next to the manager and asked him not to brake so
quickly, because it was making the man’s 70 pound dog slam into the dash. Then the pickup driver went back to
distracting himself with his cell phone.
This evening on the way to a Board meeting, the
manager stopped at a low-end restaurant chain, only to have his meal
interrupted by the petty bickering of grey haired siblings. Despite demonstrating high vocabulary skills,
things degenerated to “Mother loves me best” and "I hate you", with
the siblings sitting back-to-back in adjacent booths.
It seems that some of us measure our lives by our losses,
finding meaning in victimization: Perpetual martyrdom. Accepting the belief that their value is
directly tied into what has happened to them or what is being done to them.

Interacting with such people can be draining and
extremely frustrating to say the least. When dealing with these types of
homeowners, chances are if they weren’t upset about the present issue, it would
be something else.
In an article published by Forbes Magazine in 2013, Kevin
Kruse offered 8 poignant tips for dealing with difficult people:
1.) Don’t be dragged down - Do not absorb the negative
energy of habitually negative people. It can be toxic and in the long run
benefits no one. You do not have to be angry or unpleasant just because they are.
2.) Listen - Although it may be easier to just
tune chronic complainers out, actively listening is still the best option. Hear
them out and make a sincere effort to identify what their needs are and what
they are asking from you.
3.) Use a time limit for venting - Although active listening is an
essential part of effective communication, no one should monopolize your time.
Limiting complaints to five minutes will allow a homeowner to vent and protect
you from being overwhelmed.
4.) Don’t agree - As tempting as it may be to want
to agree and quickly pacify a disgruntled homeowner in order to just make them
go away, be aware that doing so may put you in the middle of a dispute between
neighbors that has nothing to do with the Association.
5.) Don’t stay silent - When it comes to dealing with
difficult people or situations it may feel easier to just ignore it or keep
putting it off until you are energized enough to address it. Over and over
again you may click “dismiss” when your reminder pops up. “I’ll send that email
later,” or "one more day returning that phone call won’t hurt”, you may say to
yourself. Remember that staying silent does not make the problem go away nor
will it make the situation better. It is better to respond and be present than
to ignore the person in hopes that they will magically change.
6.) Don’t switch extremes into fact - A common characteristic of
negative people is to use extreme statements when discussing their problems. Be
sure to pay attention to language such as “never and always”. Switch these into
fact-based statements that more accurately reflect the issue.
7.) Move to problem solving - Chronic complainers and Debbie
Downers often spend far too much time ruminating and have a difficult time
transitioning to active problem solving. Offer ways to move from the problem
toward resolution.
8.) Cut them off - Once you have done every
reasonable thing that you can to assist a homeowner who is dissatisfied, step
away. Accept that there is a great chance that their discontentment has very
little to do with their gripes about parking, and that you have done all that
you can. Disengage and create some distance from them for a while. Schedule your
interactions and conversations with them in such a way that you are able to decompress
and regroup after each difficult encounter.
It is inevitable that there will
be challenging situations. There is no magic formula for guaranteeing 100%
satisfaction. What is certain is that by learning to deal with difficult
homeowners and maneuvering through challenging situations you can minimize the
amount of stress and frustration that you carry. There are far too many things
to get done to expend all of your energy and sanity on situations and people
who are only willing to see the glass half empty no matter what.
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